Riding at Night

Riding your motorcycle at night can be very rewarding
Traffic levels are often much lower, and knowing what’s coming is made easier by headlights. Riding at night requires a very smooth approach and this in itself can be very rewarding. However, there a several adjustments that need to be made – not being able to see further than your headlight effects your speed. Other markers like vanishing points, hedgerows, tree lines and so on can make familiar roads seem quite alien. There is always a degree of uncertainty over the road surface, hence the need to be smooth.
- Don’t ride faster than you can see to stop
- Don’t tailgate other road users
- Adjust your riding lines, you won’t be able to see as far ahead (for example through the bend) due to the headlight
- Use the brakes and throttle smoothly to better deal with changes in the road surface
- Don’t dazzle on coming vehicles
- Try to focus on the left hand curb when meeting on-coming vehicles
- Allow time for your eyes to adapt
- Even more than during the day read the road markings and signs – they tell you what to expect