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Call Wembley:  020 8900 9990
Call Abingdon:  01865 689 232
Call Stourbridge: 0121 2968881

Our Courses - More Information

More information about the courses we run

We have a modular based approach to our courses. This means that every day has a goal or aim, and that those attending are at the right point in their training to take this course. This allows us to make up package course for people who want a full (or restricted) motorcycle licence. So, for example, an Experienced Course could be made up of a CBT – Experienced, Mod Training Session, Mod 1 Test Session & Module 1 Test, Mod 2 Test Session, Mod 2 Test Session & Module 2 Test, or it could be Road Rider Session, Mod 1 Training Session, Mod 1 Test Session & Module 1 Test, Mod 2 Training Session, Mod 2 Test Session & Module 2 Test if the student already holds a CBT certificate.

Listed below are the individual courses with links if you want to buy each day separately: