CBT Plus Session

Explanation of your CBT Plus Session
Who is the course for?
An experience building day for riders who have completed a CBT course and have little or no practical road experience. The additional training will help build confidence, awareness and skills which contribute towards becoming a safe and competent rider.
What will be covered?
Picking up where our CBT course left off the CBT Plus course is a road-based course which will aim to practice and consider riding techniques in a variety of key modules, including:
- Dual carriageways – leaving and joining
- Dual carriageways – overtaking slower moving vehicles
- Negotiating bends and country roads
- Adjusting for different speed limits, including 40’s, 50’s and national speed limits
- Forward planning and hazard perception, including urban riding
- Junctions including complex layouts such as crossroads, box junctions and signal-controlled junctions
- Roundabout technique, including multi-lane and spiral roundabouts
- Gradients, angled starts and following direction signs
What will I get?
Training, feedback and coaching on recommended improvements in all key areas of road riding, in order to become a better and safer rider. At the end of the session you will be provided with a unique report card which will show your progress, items covered along with some bullet points in areas that may need further consideration or improvement. To recognise progress in the form of improvement, attitude or ability your trainer may award either a Bronze, Silver or Gold mark on your report card. *Note we call CBT Plus courses Road Rider Sessions*