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CBT Course Learning Material

Prior learning information for CBT courses

To undertake a CBT you will first need to learn some of the theory. When you book a course we will send you this information as a Word document, however if you have difficulty seeing it you can follow the links below. During your CBT with us we will ask you to answer questions that relate to the material we have sent you. You need to be able to answer the questions correctly if the course is not to be delayed, otherwise, you will potentially be unable to complete the CBT in one day.

There are two parts that you need to learn. The first is Element A of the CBT which covers information about clothing and equipment, and the second part is Element D which covers information about road safety and what you’re expected to do during on-road riding. You must learn both.

Please click here for Element A

Please click here for Elements B and C

Please click here for Element D