
Approaching junctions in a safe, logical and systematic way is critical to the safety of any motorist and this is particularly true for motorcyclists where our size and vulnerability means there are some special considerations, such as the way we use observations and positioning. Understanding the different types of junctions and what is expected of us and of the other road users will prevent either rushing in when there is not enough time or periods of hesitation while we work out what to do.
It goes without saying a good understanding of the Highway Code is essential in negotiating Junctions accurately and safely, with a wide range of signs, lines and markings being used approaching and around junctions.
For a motorcyclist the danger at a junction is threefold – approaching it where others might not see you, emerging safely with appropriate gaps, and undue hesitation where you might be hit from behind.
In the first instance you need to consider altering your position, slowing down, or using your horn.
Assessing a safe gap to emerge is about starting to look early to help judge the speed and distance of other vehicles. As a good rule of thumb if you would not walk across the road it probably not safe to pull out.
The same process helps avoid undue hesitation – which is particularly significant at an open junction – stopping when others expect you to go risks them running into the back of you.