Call Oxford:  01865 777 676
Call Reading:  0118 951 1782
Call Swindon: 01793 267 430
Call Wembley:  020 8900 9990
Call Abingdon:  01865 689 232
Call Stourbridge: 0121 2968881

Customer Service Pledge

Quality Policy

Lightning Motorcycle Training’s Quality Policy is defined and strongly driven by the following business principles:

  • Place customers at the heart of everything we do and strive to exceed their expectations.
  • Drive continual improvement through self-assessment, peer observation and customer feedback.
  • Develop staff competencies, creativity, empowerment and accountability for the training they deliver, and provide appropriate development programs to raise their instructional abilities.

That such profits as the business generates goes towards Road Safety for motorcyclists – initially by improving the quality of the service & equipment we provide.

Lightning Motorcycle Training strives to be one of the best motorcycle rider training providers in the industry. Using these guiding principles, everyone at Lightning Motorcycle Training is accountable for fully satisfying our customers’ needs by meeting or exceeding their expectations with best-in-class training services and support. While we endeavour to provide first class training services, we must recognise that we don’t always achieve our own standards. When a customer complains, we are committed to investigating the complaint and will do our best to put right all justified complaints.

Quality Objectives

  • Score 95% in our customer satisfaction surveys by July 2024
  • Respond to customer complaints within 7 days in writing
  • Improve our Module 1 & 2 pass rates for all full licence (A1, A2 & DAS) courses from 75% to 80% by July 2024.
  • Increase our market share to 75% of the available motorcycle rider training market in the West Midlands, Middlesex, Oxfordshire & Berkshire, through recommendation and outstanding training practices by July 2024

Data Protection Policy


Lightning Motorcycle Training needs to keep certain personal data, for example about its staff and customers, to fulfil its purpose and to meet its legal obligations. To comply with the law, information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully. To do this, Lightning Motorcycle Training must comply with the Data Protection Principles which are set out in the Data Protection Act, 2018.


Personal data shall:

  • Be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met.
  • Be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose.
  • Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes.
  • Be accurate and kept up to date.
  • Not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose.
  • Be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights.
  • Be kept secure from unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction.
  • Not be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area, unless that country has equivalent levels of protection for personal data.

Lightning Motorcycle Training and all its staff who process or use personal information must ensure that they follow these principles always. To ensure that this happens, we have developed this Data Protection Policy.

Status of the Policy

This policy has been approved by the General Manager of Lightning Motorcycle Training and any breach will be taken seriously and may result in more formal action.

Any member of staff or customer who considers that the policy has not been followed in respect of personal data about themselves should raise the matter with the General Manager of Lightning Motorcycle Training in the first instance.

Notification of Data Held and Processed. All staff, customers and other users are entitled to:

  • Ask what information Lightning Motorcycle Training holds about them and why.
  • Ask how to gain access to it.
  • Be informed how to keep it up to date.
  • Be informed what Lightning Motorcycle Training is doing to comply with its obligations under the 1998 Data Protection Act.

Responsibilities of Staff and Customers

All staff and customers are responsible for:

  • Checking that any personal data that they provide to Lightning Motorcycle Training is accurate and up to date.
  • Informing Lightning Motorcycle Training of any changes to information which they have provided, e.g. changes of address.
  • Checking any information that Lightning Motorcycle Training may send out from time to time, giving details of information that is being kept and processed.

If, as part of their responsibilities, staff collect information about other people (e.g. about customer learning records or driving licence details etc.), they must comply with the Policy.

Data Security

The need to ensure that data is kept securely means that precautions must be taken against physical loss or damage, and that both access and disclosure must be restricted. All staff are responsible for ensuring that:

  • Any personal data which they hold is kept securely
  • Personal information is not disclosed either orally or in writing or otherwise to any unauthorised third party.

Rights to Access Information

Staff and customers and other users of Lightning Motorcycle Training have the right to access any personal data that is being kept about them on computer and have access to paper-based data held in certain manual filing systems. Any person who wishes to exercise this right should make the request in writing to the General Manger of Lightning Motorcycle Training in writing. Lightning Motorcycle Training will make a charge of £10 on each occasion that access is requested.

Lightning Motorcycle Training aims to comply with requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible, but will ensure that it is provided within 28 days of receipt of a written request unless there is good reason for delay. In such cases, the reason for delay will be explained in writing to the individual making the request.

Publication of Lightning Motorcycle Training Information

Information that is already in the public domain is exempt from the 1998 Act. This would include, for example, information on staff contained within externally circulated leaflets such as marketing material or pictures or comments on Facebook. Any individual who has good reason for wishing details in such publications to remain confidential should contact the General Manager.

Subject Consent

The need to process data for normal purposes has been communicated to all staff, and to customers at the time of meeting or enrolling on a rider training course. In some cases, if the data is sensitive, for example information about health, race or gender, express consent to process the data must be obtained. Processing may be necessary to operate our Lightning Motorcycle Training policies such as health and safety and equal opportunities.

Retention of Data

Lightning Motorcycle Training will keep information for the period of employment for staff and for the period of training + 7 years for customers.

Lightning Motorcycle Training’s Designated Data Controller

Lightning Motorcycle Training is the data controller under the Act and is therefore ultimately responsible for implementation. However, day to day matters will be dealt with by the General Manager William Rodwell.