Call Oxford:  01865 777 676
Call Reading:  0118 951 1782
Call Swindon: 01793 267 430
Call Wembley:  020 8900 9990
Call Abingdon:  01865 689 232
Call Stourbridge: 0121 2968881

Extra Practice

Bike Hire

We hope that the training you received with us is enough to get you safely through your motorcycle test. However, nobody fails from having too much practice.

Where bike hire has been paid for it is included in all the training courses that we offer. Nevertheless we have managed a deal with our insurance company where our students, that are undertaking training with us, can hire out a 125cc motorcycle for extra practice between their lessons.

We charge the following for unaccompanied motorcycle hire, and it comes with third party, fire and theft insurance, helmet, gloves, motorcycle jacket and waterproofs:

  • Daytime hire 9:00am to 4:00pm £80.00
  • Overnight hire 4:00pm to 9:00am £40.00

If you would like some extra practice please call the office – 01865777676