CBT (Compulsory Basic Training – DL196)

Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) was introduced in December 1990 at about the same time as the modern “pursuit” Motorcycle Test was introduced. Its aims were to reduce motorcycle/moped accidents, improve rider training, and give people of all ages a basic understanding of the controls of a two wheeled machine and the confidence to use it on the road. Without exception it has been the single most important and successful piece of legislation put through for motorcycling. It is hard to under-estimate what a huge impact it has had on road safety, as well as giving structure to motorcycle training.

The CBT is well named as it is compulsory, basic and training. It is not a test as the instructor is there to teach you how to ride. The assumption is that you have not ridden before. As such there are five modules to complete; all of these modules must be completed in this order:

Module A comprises of talk about clothing, safety helmet and equipment. This is also when your licence and eyesight will be checked and the aims of the course outlined.

Module B introduces you to the machine, its controls, how to get it on and off the stand and some basic daily and weekly checks. You will also be able to wheel the bike round to the left and right, and start and stop the machine.

Module C is the meat of the course and takes place on an approved training site (CBT pad). This is when you will learn to pull away, stop, start and change gears (where applicable). Then moving through controlled stops you will go onto more complicated things like slow control, emergency stops and left/right turns.

Module D is a return to the class room prior to going out on the road. You will get a full briefing explaining about the use of speed, road positioning, safe driving distances, the importance of the Highway Code, vulnerability, forward planning, legal requirements and so on (to name but a few). Care will also be given in explaining about the radios and how not to get lost on the road.

Module E is where you put all the above into practice by riding on the road. You will go out on the road with an instructor two at a time with a radio link. You must do at least two hours of road tuition, which must include doing a U-turn and emergency stop. At the outset the instructor will give plenty of guidance and help, but towards the end of the time on the road the instructor will be looking to see if you can get safely from A to B without hurting yourself or anybody else.

A DL196 (CBT) certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the course. The course begins at roughly between 7:15 – 7:45am (depending on which centre you are at) and the training will finish at approximately 3 – 5:00pm. If it is not safe for you to out on the road the course will finish at the point where we feel that it would be more beneficial for you, the trainee, to come back on another day for further training. Advanced bookings are necessary and full payment is needed to secure a place. Trainees must bring a valid provisional/full licence with them and dress appropriately, i.e. strong jacket, long trousers (jeans, etc.), and sturdy footwear (boots) and bring glasses/contact lenses, if normally worn. Manual and automatic bikes are available – please specify.

Note: To undertake a CBT course (as a novice), you will need to be able to ride a bicycle first. You will also need to have read and understood the Highway Code. You must also be able to understand and speak English to a reasonable level. If you do not complete the course on the first day, don’t despair, further training and/or motorcycle/moped hire is available at special reduced rate. Please bear in mind that most people do complete the course first time. If you have never ridden before it is well worth considering an Introductory Lesson first.

To help prepare for the CBT consider taking the DVSA’s online course – Ridefree

Novice CBT

This for people who have not ridden a geared or automatic moped or motorcycle before, or have limited previous experience, or it has been a long time since you last rode – it takes a full day.

The total cost for the course is £179.00 which includes motorcycle (moped) hire, fuel, insurance and equipment. Or £155.00 using own bike.




Experienced CBT

If you have taken a CBT before in the last 3 years then you can renew your CBT. The course is a full day again but hopefully will give you something extra to improve your riding. You must use the same type of motorcycle/moped (geared or automatic) you used when you took your original CBT. You must have been riding regularly inside the last two years. This course does not expect to teach you how to ride – it assumes you already know this.

The total cost for this course is £154.00 which includes motorcycle (moped) hire, fuel, insurance and equipment. Or £130.00 using own bike.