Call Oxford:  01865 777 676
Call Reading:  0118 951 1782
Call Swindon: 01793 267 430
Call Wembley:  020 8900 9990
Call Abingdon:  01865 689 232
Call Stourbridge: 0121 2968881



Crossroads come in many shapes and sizes, such as, signal controlled, unmarked, marked and staggered to name a few. The ability to negotiate these safely, smoothly and in a systematic way will be the hallmark of any safe and improving rider. Hesitation or uncertainty about how we should act can easily lead to confusion with other road users or worse. In general, as with any junction we need to plan our manoeuvre well in advance, allowing plenty of time to adjust our approach. It’s worth considering the Highway Code states that no one has priority at an unmarked crossroads and therefore we should approach with caution, this will allow time to assess what any other approaching vehicles are likely to do.