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Lightning Motorcycle Training sends its sincere condolences to the Royal Family, and thanks Queen Elizabeth for her dedicated service to the people of this country. We respect the traditions and understand the grief and loss the Queen’s passing represents.

It is for this reason that we have given much thought to whether or not to run courses on Sunday and the Bank Holiday Monday. We understand that people could not have known when they booked the huge weight of history that would fall on these days. We respect people’s wishes to pay their last respects.

However, we also have to weigh this against the disruption and wait that cancelling courses on these dates would cause. In some cases it might mean a month or more delay. We appreciate that for some people taking their test or CBT represents mobility to get to jobs etc.

On balance we feel that we should remain open, not least because this would no doubt be the desire of the Queen. Tests may be disrupted (and we will contact you to rebook), but training and CBT’s will go ahead.

God save the King!